
Water in the Upper Gunnison Basin

Introduction by: Julie Nania, Water Program Director- High Country Conservation Advocates

In the West, water is life. We live in the Upper Gunnison Basin, an area that includes the headwaters of the mighty Colorado River that are above Blue Mesa. On an average year, the Gunnison River flow at 2.4 million acre feet. Approximately 90 percent of the streamflow in our basin is derived from snowpack above 8,000 feet – the Elk Mountains, Cochetopa and the Continental Divide that frame our alluvial valleys all contribute to Gunnison River flows. The rest of our precipitation primarily comes during our “summer monsoon” season from thunderstorms. While most of this water is delivered to the Colorado River in Grand Junction, a portion of this water is used consumptively and does not return to the river.

Water law in Colorado has its origins in the common water use practices that developed in early mining camps. The miner that was the first to divert water and apply it to a beneficial use had the first right to use that water. Evolving from frontier practices, this principle of “first in time, first in right” became the basis for the prior appropriation doctrine. When there is not enough water in a stream to satisfy all uses, those that had appropriated water at a later date (junior users) were unable to divert water until senior uses filed earlier in time had been satisfied.  The prior appropriation doctrine still forms the basis of water administration in the Upper Gunnison Basin, in Colorado, and across most of the West.Click Here to Read More

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